Why Celebrations Matters?
If your really want to know why celebrations matters, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is what happiness is and how you can choose to be happy? it’s the little things in life those matters. However, wishing for greater things to happen in life and worries about them often lead us miss those beautiful little things that makes us happy.
Everyone has their own perception about Happiness, they define it in their own special way and connect it with the life they are living. We give different meanings to the happiness. Some people finds happiness being in relationship, some finds it in the fame and others find it on the wealth. However, while living life, the meaning to happiness keeps on changing with the life experiences. For example, we can see a child is happy in his own world riding the bicycle his father offer him, the same child as an adult might find himself happy being in the romantic relationship or having well paid job.
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No matter what, Happiness is a choice and one should choose to be happy.
How to be happy?
Let’s imagine a child with a smile in his face, playing along with his toys, those giggles and those gestures are amazing. He is totally in his own world, in a state of complete mindfulness.
We all have seen happy people around us, we all know one prime character that is common among them, Gratitude. They appreciate everything around them. They have hopes and wishes with them still they show gratitude for what they have and are always optimistic about their hopes being fulfilled.
Happiness is a choice, those people made the choice, now it's our turn to make our call.
You might think, all these are better in books and are just impractical in real life. This exact thinking is the barrier to your lasting happiness. Change your perspective to look at the things around you and praise your own efforts you have made.
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Now let’s talk about one small gesture that is so helpful to achieve lasting happiness in a long run.
Never forgot to celebrate life in some way. No matter how small your achievement, praise your efforts and celebrate it.
Everyone have their wishes no matter how small, they deserved to be fulfilled. Make a list of things you wish to do, write your wish in a dream book. start from the wish that you can fulfill right now.
For example, ice-cream is your favorite and you wish to have it right now, just go to the nearest ice-cream parlor and grab your piece.
Following your heart to such gestures and praising them will make you happy.
Here are list of things that will rejuvenate your heart when you follow them on timely basis.
- Go for walk around your places.
- Blow Bubbles.
- Get your pictures taken by a professional photographer.
- sing in bathroom.
- cook your favorite food and enjoy it.
- watch sunrise and sunset.
- listen to your favorite singer.
- Go out with your friends.
- play a game you loved or see others playing it.
- look at the stars from your window during the night.
These are small gestures that you can follow in daily basis. Believe me it will make a long run impact on your happiness.
Now let’s talks about tasks and achievements we all do during our day in work or in school or in streets or in home.
During your work in office, you have just finished a task assigned to you after hours of dedication and efforts. Take a pause for a while, go and grab a cup of coffee or your favorite food from the canteen.
In school and college, celebrate the achievement of your assignment get checked.
In streets, spread kindness and be grateful to that.
and in home celebrate being together with your family.
Here’s how you should celebrate
Notice something good about the moment and find something to celebrate
Right now, what is that one thing your are proud of? or think about the achievement you have just achieved. what do you like most about the day? You will find something to celebrate.
Grab a moment from your busy schedule to do what you love
You might be running in a busy schedule, at that moment you can take a moment to have a piece of cake with your favorite flavor. After you achieve something, just get out of your routine for 2-5 minutes and celebrate that moment in any way you like.
Honor the moment
Right at this moment do something you have wished for, animate the moment with celebration and create memories to recall some other day. Whatever you do, just honor the moment and be grateful to this moment.
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations, Being a bride or groom, Being Dad or Mom or Graduation there will always be such big celebrations. You will have fun on those as well, however, small celebrations of those little moments are the one that will reside on your memories, and someday while looking back to your life you will recall them to be the most meaningful one.
I always remember the moment getting that first order in Yourkoseli, we all cheered the moment with a high-fi. No matter how hard the time is, when i recall the moment, my heart lights up.
Bonus Tip
If you go looking hard enough, there always is something worth celebrating, there always is.
Yourkoseli always wish to be a part of celebrations, and will always be promoting better ways to celebrate life for long lasting happiness. Likewise, at last i will like to show my humble courtesy to all the family members of yourkoseli for choosing us as in their celebrations.
Note: In the picture and videos, Yourkoseli Family.